Italy: AICT

AICT is a Society of the Italian Association of Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automation, Informatics and Telecommunications (AEIT), an autonomous association, which pursues its objectives in full respect of market principles and free competition. The Association and the Society do not have a commercial nature and do not pursue profit objectives. AICT has been established with the purpose of being the main cultural reference in the country in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector. It intends to represent, also through links with the Order of Engineers andother associations active in the sector, a qualified and 'super partes' focal point towards the civil society and the institutions of the country that acts without any conditioning. AICT pursues its objective by organizing study days, national and international conferences and drafting position papers on topical issues. It carries out also educational initiatives for High Schools and Universities for the development of technical and cultural training of young people and to stimulate an interest in ICT issues and possible professional developments in this area. AICT proposes itself as a catalyst for actors and activities in non-technological fields and technological fields other than ICT, in order to tackle complex issues with a non-sectoral vision.
Finally, it is affiliated, at international level, to the Federation of European Telecommunications Engineers (FITCE) and to the 'Communications Society' of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Contact info

More info about AICT can be found at

You can contact AICT at

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26 - 28 September 2024 | Krakow (Poland)

New technologies and services opportunities and threats

63rd International Congress
